20K House Project Provides Homes For Those In Need

Many people around the world simply don’t have the opportunity to purchase their own home. However, Rural Studio has tackling the problem since 2005 with their 20K House project.Rural Studio is an off-campus design and build program run by Auburn University, and is attempted to make home ownership viable for the less well off. Their main goal is to create safe and comfortable homes for just $20,000.” – Niall

Read and see more at Humble Homes…

6 thoughts on “20K House Project Provides Homes For Those In Need”

  1. Bridget Downey

    I have a friend that is on a fixed income, has no running water, the water leaks all over when turned on so now her floor is rotting away, I am seeking help for her and one of these would be great for her.
    Thanks and God Bless
    Bridget Downey

  2. Great idea! We need these all over the US with the economy sinking and people paying high rent just to keep a roof over their heads…..I wish I could buy one….

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