Bill Moyers Asks: Are Tiny Houses the Key to Fighting Homelessness?

…more than 125 volunteers showed up with tools in hand and built six new 16-by-20-foot houses for a group of formerly homeless men. It was the beginning of Second Wind Cottages, a tiny-house village for the chronically homeless…” – Bill

Continue reading… Are Tiny Houses the Key to Fighting Homelessness? Thanks to Paige, Ken, and Dawn for posting this story on our Facebook page!

17 thoughts on “Bill Moyers Asks: Are Tiny Houses the Key to Fighting Homelessness?”

  1. Cathy Corfield

    A study showed that women who were homeless were that way usually because of abuse while men usually suffered some kind of mental illness so this would work if those issues were addressed!!!:)

  2. I’m not sure how a small house is supposed to fix that problem. Small does not mean free, you still need property, you still need utilities, zoning, etc. I think the focus should be on portability until some of the bigger issues are addressed.

  3. Laurie Flarity-White

    I love this idea! I hope it also leads to smaller homes for everyone, not just the homeless.
    My 19 year old daughter plans to build herself a 300 square foot cob house to live in by herself when she graduates from college.

  4. Stuart Holliday

    Sad thing is most towns don’t allow houses to be less than 1,000 (single level) square feet anymore. Land has become so expensive in the unincorporated areas. They knew what they were doing in the 50’s. A lot of the older neighborhoods around me have 950-999 square foot houses. Saved them a bunch of money on utility costs and property taxes back in the day.

  5. Charmaine Budzinski-Roman

    Many homeless people cannot find work because they don’t have a “home” address. Also, many people are underemployed and can’t afford to pay rent, utilities etc. on an apartment or house. Rent and home prices are way too high and need to come down or the economy will never bounce back.

  6. Corey Blackburn

    Yes it could 🙂 , but people seem to like beating people when there down . I love the idea -and it will give people a sense of dignity

  7. So amazing to see this concept start to take off! “In 2009, there was an onslaught of media attention covering the American tent city as a physical symbol of the country’s economic recession… five years later, in 2014, we are now beginning to see stories of hope. We are beginning to see coverage of grassroots responses to this very same dilemma, where the unhoused and the housed have been working together to transcend from camp to village.

  8. Tracy A. Smith

    It’s about time someone with TV ties asked that question. We could have lots and lots built and people living in them already!

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