Bill’s Tiny House

Bill is building a tiny house based on one of my tiny house designs. You can download the free house plans at Tiny House Design. He’s building the 8×16 Solar House.

He posted a bunch of photos of the interior work recently on Facebook and it’s looking great. Eventually Bill plans to move his tiny house up to Alaska (from California) and spend some time chilling out.

Bill’s Progress Photos on Facebook

(To see the Facebook photos a free Facebook membership is required. So I’ve posted a few of Bill’s photos here in case you can access them on Facebook.)

4 thoughts on “Bill’s Tiny House”

  1. I would love to see these… However, the link does not work and Facebook says I need to be Bill´s friend on FB to see his pics.

  2. with the new privacy settings that Facebook has implemented, Bill would have to change his settings so that everyone could view them, short of adding him as a friend.

    1. Michael Janzen

      Yeah sorry about that… I usually don’t link to Facebook because of all the complexity.

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