Derek Jarman’s Prospect Cottage

Shot in Dungeness E Sussex, Derek Jarman’s Cottage; Prospect. Derek Jarman was an English film director, stage designer, artist, and writer. Jarman’s work broke new ground in creating and expanding the fledgling form of ‘the pop video’ in England, and as a forthright and prominent gay rights activist. Several volumes of his diaries have been published.

He is also remembered for his famous shingle cottage-garden, created in the latter years of his life, in the shadow of the Dungeness power station. The house was built in tarred timber. Raised wooden text on the side of the cottage is the first stanza and the last five lines of the last stanza of John Donne’s poem, The Sun Rising. The cottage’s beach garden was made using local materials and has been the subject of several books.” – Stephanie

Read more about the Prospect Cottage.

2 thoughts on “Derek Jarman’s Prospect Cottage”

  1. I wish we could see the inside! Beautiful flowers, and I love the bright yellow window. 🙂

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