Photographer’s Mission to Capture State’s Fire Lookouts

Fire lookouts are tiny homes with a 360-degree view.

Washington state was once home to 660 fire lookouts, most of which have not withstood the test of time. According to the Forest Fire Lookout Association (FFLA), a group of lookout enthusiasts in U.S. and Canada, 77 of these lookouts are still standing in their original locations. Only 22 of these, most of them in drier Eastern Washington, are still used for fire detection; 55 have been left behind by disuse and budget cuts in the hands of volunteer caretakers.

To local FFLA member Forrest Clark, the historic lookouts are just as significant as the views they lend.” – Martha Kang

See more by this photographer on summer-long mission to capture state’s fire lookouts. Visit the photographer’s website to see all the fire lookout photos.

Photo Credit: Kyle Johnson