
Tammy & Logan on Peak Moment Television

Tammy and Logan talk about the reasons they chose to live a simple minimalist life with the folks from Peak Moment Television. One of the side effects of living a simple, car-free life has been complete debt reduction and the savings to build their own tiny home. Tammy & Logan on Peak Moment Television

Portland Tiny Homes

Tammy Strobel from RowdyKittens just did a guest post on Tiny House Blog about these great little houses in Portland. They were built by Jeff and Brad who make an extra effort to reuse and recycle while creating these tiny habitable works of art. Portland Tiny Homes

Dome Home

Designed by architect Manuel Villa this little house was built to augment a larger home on the outskirts of Bogotá, Colombia. I really like the out-of-the-box design and the idea of a tiny dome home. Photo credit to Manuel Villa. I first spotted this on RowdyKittens. Dome Home