Vertical Bunk Bed Design

The vertical closing bunk bed features a simple intuitive safe system by which one or two beds can be used – already made. Doors butterfly open. System includes sturdy metal ladder. Black metal structure supports slatted and metal mesh foundation. Mattresses included are high density 6″ thick, custom twin sized.” – Vertical Bunk Bed – Euro FlyingBed.

Great idea! Not sure why it costs over $3,000 – but a very inspiring design for the DIYers out there.

6 thoughts on “Vertical Bunk Bed Design”

  1. A great idea. However, do they really expect to sell any at that price. I mean who in their right mind would spend that kind of money of this? I fail to see why they would not make it more attainable in order to sell more.

  2. Good luck to them selling at that price! Maybe the 1% can keep them in business. I sure won’t be.

  3. Wicked ideas, love them but hardly presidential enough to justify the whopping price tags.

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