Wanderlust Tiny House

Patrick and Lauren got married in September of 2015, sold their 3-bedroom house, quit their jobs, and ordered a Tumbleweed Barn Raiser – a tiny house shell that the homeowner finishes themselves. They completed their house in quickly and hit the road.

Their plan is to tour the US and Canada in their tiny house for about six months. You can see a map of where they’ve been, where they are now, and their future stops on their website.

To follow their adventure online, subscribe to the Wanderlust Tiny House Youtube Channel and sign-up for email updates on the Wanderlust Tiny House website.

4 thoughts on “Wanderlust Tiny House”

  1. Jaquelin Hazzard

    How long is this tiny house? Brilliantly set up. Thoughtful, effective design.

  2. Linda Zwirner

    Your House is adorable. Good for you two. I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you.
    Be careful & be safe. To be able to enjoy life , have no debt is a really big deal. Enjoy your life with your partner, make every moment count, that is what is important. Things are JUST THINGS… Love, sharing, Love & Laughter, making memories, that is what counts.

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