tiny house

Pot House

I’m really trained and educated as a potter so when I saw this tiny house made from a giant piece of African pottery I knew I’d have to share it with you this week on Tiny House Living. Be sure to read more about it at Shedworking. Oh and for those of you hoping to …

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Hostel in Marathon, Texas

The family riding the Tumblewagon stopped at an unusual hostle in Marathon, Texas that offers a variety of tiny house accommodations. It’s rumored that the owner sometimes lets other people build tiny houses on his property and that bicyclists stay free. Photo credit to Nathan. Hostel in Marathon Texas

Bill’s Solar Tiny House

A fellow named Bill is building a tiny solar house from one of the free house plans on Tiny House Design. He’s been making quick progress and intends to travel up to Alaska with the house and stay a little while when it’s complete. Bill’s Solar Tiny House

Tiny House Recording Studio

Erick in Ohio is building a 20-foot tiny house that will serve as his home and recording studio. It’s a custom design and he’s doing a lot of the work himself, including lifting the framed walls up into place. Tiny House Recording Studio

The Great Escape

It’s always exciting and inspiring to find someone else taking the leap into simple living. James and Kristen have begun to build custom designed tiny house on a trailer. Their blog contains many details on their research and the challenges they’ve been facing along the way. The Great Escape

Cottage in a Day

While these professionally manufactured tiny houses are a little on the expensive side they are completely turn-key and can be set-up in a day. They come in a variety of sizes and are build with many green building materials. Cottage in a Day

Update on Justin’s Tiny House

Justin Peer is making swift progress on his tiny house which he is building on the outskirts of London, England. If you’re curious to watch a tiny house being built on a budget be sure to check in on Justin’s website regularly. Justin’s Tiny House

Zoey’s Tiny House Update

Zoey’s tiny house is virtually complete and looking comfy and lived-in with just a few small details left to work through like interior sheathing in the loft. One of her recent finishing touches was the addition of a Boilet 10 Standard composing toilet. Take a look at Zoey’s Tiny House